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The slow return to face-to-face sessions post-pandemic

What is like to be back offering therapy in person

September 29, 2021

I’ve been waiting a long time to go back to see clients face-to-face. Although I didn’t necessarily dislike working with video calls, there is something different when doing therapy in the flesh.

As a therapist I get a different sense of the person and I feel more connected. I feel more grounded and anchored in the present so I feel I can offer a more solid presence.

It’s also a relief not to have to stare at a screen for 50 minutes, which was starting to make me feel that there was a barrier between me and the client. 

The return to face-to-face work is for me very important and something I had been looking forward to for a while. The session feels more real and I get the sense people also prefer it (though that might just be my bias). 

Whatever will happen next in terms of pandemic I’m ready to adapt my practice. I always offer the option to move the session online if needed.

During lockdown there were a lot of people talking about how life would have changed after the pandemic, but as a matter of fact most things are going pack to pre-pandemic, which is for me quite a relief. The only thing that is different is that the clients can now choose to have an online session, for whatever reason, and I feel it’s good to give them the options.