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Sleep Hygiene

Checklist for a restful night

February 19, 2018

Having a good night sleep can sometimes be difficult for everyone and all sort of things can get in the way. I find in my clients that more often are thoughts and worries that keep them awake.

However, the more we focus on wanting to sleep, the more it gets difficult, what to do then?

I wrote a check-list of ideas to try and help:

  • Making the focus to relax, rather than to sleep. Often we can get over-focused on sleeping, while if we just rest the effects on the organism would be similar. Also, we need to be able to relax, before we can sleep.
  • Having a regular routine can help our body to remember when it’s time to relax. Trying to go to bed and waking up at the same time will make a difference.

  • It’s important to avoid staring at screens for a couple of hours before bedtime. Instead we can read, have a bath or listening to music.

  • It is helpful to have a comfortable room and bed - Instead of working, looking at your phone or eating, try to use the bed only to sleep, so that your body can make a positive association.

  • Heavy meals in the evening will keep your stomach working throughout the night, making it difficult to relax and fall asleep.

  • People find useful to have a notepad next to their bed - If we worry and overthink a lot before bed, this can give us the opportunity to offload heavy thoughts, memories or even plans.

  • Substance such as: coffee, tea and alcohol will make it more difficult to have a satisfying sleep. While alcohol can ‘take the edge off’ a long day and knock us to bed, it won’t give us good quality sleep.

  • It can also be useful to try some meditation techniques before bed to try and empty your mind from the worries.